The Ugly New World

The Ugly New World

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Adventurous having been through wars, depressions and the rest what I see coming next, I find scary beyond measure. I see rampant vandalism and war mongering prevailing over sanity. I see our green planet changing to deforested desert, our seas and rivers polluted with Cyano-algae killing fauna and a grossly over-populated planet. Running out of clean water we already observe all over Africa people fighting like wild dogs for scraps left over. Oh, the Chinese in your eye sabre rattling, technology theft and the rest for which we in the West have largely to blame naive Captains of industry, the morons who went to build factories in China and left legions out of jobs at home.
The world has never been short on conflict; that is true. Even as recently as the 'Cold War' not so cold after it came to light that submarines were sunk by hostile fire, though no-one wants to own up. And still, we are at logger heads, now prodding naïve Ukrainians to join NATO, as if petrified Russians twice caught with pants down on this, would allow installation of short-range rockets only a minute flying away from Moscow. Petrified 
enough to keep IBM mounted rolling railway stock running day and night over the Siberian taiga. Petrified enough to cosy up to the Chinese. This alone should ring alarm bells.
"When will they ever learn!"  (Bob Dylan) 
I hope this speculative scenario extrapolating on present trends does open the eyes of those who believe more lahdy-da will carry the day.