Grandparents Beacons or Fading Lights

Grandparents Beacons or Fading Lights

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Worries old folk have are not all about dying. George Lazarou is in his late sixties. Originating from the other side of the world; adopting a new culture and relinquishing his home was never going to be easy.  After decades of endurance respite, time to collect thoughts and savour. 'Dad, you're going to be a Papou!' (grandfather) The prospect of becoming a grandfather is exciting-for some and daunting for others. Has anyone ever asked their own parents what grandparenting involved? How will you deal with this new experience? 
This path you are on I can tell you is well worn. Your grandparents stumbled on the very same obstacles you will trip on.
The book is a collation of opinions; and, dedicated to a select group of child carers grandparents, whose assistance is always welcomed, though their advice is rarely sought and often ridiculed. 
'Get with it, Gramps! You're stuck in the dark ages!'
Grandparents personify durability; banter and ridicule glances off them because they’re seasoned.’ In a world obsessed with riches; ethics have been decimated by indulgence. 
Society has an attitude problem. It isn’t caused by the very young-they suffer influence from it, nor is it caused by the very old- they suffer neglect by it.’ 
The more I think about it, the more my conscience gnaws at me. What lies ahead for the grandkids? The book is looking at today’s world through yesterday’s eyes; the very reason old timers’ stories are captivating. Easily read over a weekend; but will provoke endless thought. If you are not self-deprecatory; this book will question your character. If you’re uncompromising and not open-minded, expect your thinking to be challenged.