Religion and Judaism From A Different Perspective

Religion and Judaism From A Different Perspective

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Religion and Judaism From A Different Perspective was written for people of all faiths as well as for people of no faith. It was not written for people of the Jewish faith only. 
Religion and Judaism From A Different Perspective offers the answers so desperately needed to turn around the wheels of our ‘broken’ world – A world where suffering is (and has been) inflicted by humans on each other in the name of religion and ‘God’ as well as in the name of ‘no religion’ and 'No God'.
The author – Rachel Angel-Sussman - invites you to join her on a journey...
The first part of the journey – Religion From A Different Perspective – is a journey into self. It aims to prompt personal insights, realizations, and re-connection with one’s core of being, with the truth of who we each are, and with the truth about the nature of religion and how it can fail and transform its ‘music’ to an ‘unbearable noise’.
The second part of the journey – Judaism From A different Perspective – is a journey into Judaism. However, the process and principles of exploration employed apply to all religions and non-religions, and the reflections and messages apply to us all by mean of our shared humanity. Each reader is invited to apply this process, principles, reflections and messages to themselves and to the religion they either practice or reject.
The author believes that not only our inner (personal) and outer (collective) peace, but also the future of the human-race, are subject to the willingness to take this journey and come Home – to our Soul and our Humanity...
Rachel Angel-Sussman was born in 1950 in a refugee absorption centre in the newly established state of Israel. Her childhood was a blend of joy, hope and vision as well as sorrow and hardships – all of which laid the foundation to an inner and outer inquiry of life, humanity, and her own identity. The author migrated to Australia in 1971 following her marriage to an Australian citizen.
While the questions and seeking were always there it was only in her thirties that the author’s conscious inner journey commenced. This journey included the completion of a tertiary education, a working life both as a counsellor in private practice and as a social welfare worker in the public and community services sector, and an ongoing personal inquiry.
In 2015 the author’s first book To Life – A Journey of Home Coming and Re-Discovering Our Self and Our Humanity was published bringing to paper this thirty-years journey. Religion and Judaism From A different Perspective sheds further light on this journey. Both books aim to support readers’ Home coming,  and promote inner and outer peace.